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Scientology Home Page
Book Review
What Is Scientology? by L. Ron Hubbard
This book contains the answers to just about any question a person might have about the Church of Scientology and what Scientologists are doing all over the world, in terms of bettering conditions.
There is much information about various social reform groups, such as the Citizens Commission on Human Rights, Narconon, Criminon, and Applied Scholastics, to name a few.
The Creeds and Codes of Scientology are listed in this book, and I have found these to be very enlightening. Questions that outsiders might have about any religion are answered here - an example is a list of Scientology holidays, and the history of the church, etc.
There is a colorfully illustrated biography of the founder, L. Ron Hubbard, and an illustrated history of the religious heritage of Scientology, too.
All the basic books, courses, and auditing processes are described here, as well a description of the different types of Scientology churches and groups, and their different purposes.
This reference is a must for anyone who is interested in the subject of Scientology, or who has friends or relatives who are Scientologists, or who simply would like to find out why this religion is becoming so popular.
Other Good Sites
Religious Tolerance - About Scientology
Scientology and the Definition of Religion
Handling Life with the Scientology Religion
Dianetics and Scientology Introductory Services
L. Ron Hubbard - Founder of the Scientology Religion
New and Alternative Religions
Scientology's Crusade Against Injustice
Scientology in the United Kingdom
Scientology Handbook
CedarNet - Scientology
Scientology in the United Kingdom
Scientology: The Beliefs and Practices of a Religion
Happiness and Interest: Article by Scientology Founder, L. Ron Hubbard