Tuesday, November 04, 2003

Website Recommendation
Barb Dakin

Barb Dakin, Scientologist and music teacher, discusses how Scientology has helped her in life, including the effects it has had on her career.

Book Review
Rock Star
This movie was kind of hard to watch in places. A rock musician discovers fame overnight, and we witness his descent into a life of overindulgence and no morals.

He loses sight of what's important in the pursuit of the rock star's lifestyle. He actually loses a lot more than that.

Wahlberg was amazingly convincing. I had a hard time believing it was him throughout the film. Aniston was also great in her role - complex but not overdramatic. Just simply complex - holding on to her own values in the end, she sets a really great example.

I have to say the last few minutes made the whole movie worth watching - it was like getting a tooth ache and finally having the thing extracted. The end made up for all the agony in the middle of the movie.

If you like rock and roll, and you like to see good guys win in the end (even if the enemies are their own stupidities), then watch this one, but not with the kids!