Tuesday, October 21, 2003

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (Book 1) by J. K. Rowling, Mary GrandPré (Illustrator)

I have fallen in love with Harry Potter! He's a charming sort of hero -- the lost, brainy sort of fellow, surrounded by people who can't appreciate his abilities, but who manages to find his own kind and use his talents to save the day.

This book is very funny, written with a definite British sort of humor. I am pleased to know that so many children are growing up with this book. It's not "dumbed down" like many popular children's books (particularly for this age group) are today.

My 9 year old son had gotten bored with Goosebumps and the like, and he was really ready to move on. From the first page in this book he was saying, "Mom, this is really funny!"

The first chapter was a bit slow, I thought, but the story really picked up after that. I finished this book myself and went right out to buy #2 in the series. I can recommend this one for any child -- or adult -- who who likes imaginative, funny stories, and doesn't mind a bit of the absurd.

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